Dnešní den je důležitým datem ze tří důvodů - je zveřejněn Týmový Manuál akce, otevírají se přihlášky k účasti a zbývá již "pouze" 150 dní do Grand Prix!
February 3rd marks three important days. The Team Manual has been released, Entries are now open and it is "only" 150 days to Olomouc Grand Prix!
It is with great pleasure to announce that the Team Manual for first ever Women's Grand Prix in Olomouc has been officially released. LOC has worked hard and the manual is now available in the section Team Manual above. The information about all relevant fields of the Event are to be found in respective tabs. Team Manual can be also downloaded in PDF format from the tab "Downloads".
As of today registrations for the Event are open, so NPCs/NFs can start entering their teams via the IPC Online Entry System. Other necessary forms that need to be provided to LOC are also in the tab "Downloads".
And the title "150 days to go" reminds the organizers how closely is the Event approaching. The city of Olomouc is eagerly awaiting the best women and their performance at the premiere of Women's Grand Prix in paraathletics.